St Michael Specialists Hospital

Lapaz – Greater Accra 

The inspiring story of a spare parts dealer who has built a 90-bed first-class specialist hospital at Lapaz

In times where the country is faced with challenges in the health sector, such as inadequate health facilities, poor health service delivery, and more, some individuals with little resources are contributing their best to have improve sector in the country. In times where the country is faced with challenges in the health sector, such as inadequate health facilities, poor health service delivery, and more, some individuals with little resources are contributing their best to have improve sector in the country. In times where the country is faced with challenges in the health sector, such as inadequate health facilities, poor health service delivery, and more, some individuals with little resources are contributing their best to have improve sector in the country.

In times where the country is faced with challenges in the health sector, such as inadequate health facilities, poor health service delivery, and more, some individuals with little resources are contributing their best to have improve sector in the country. In times where the country is faced with challenges in the health sector, such as inadequate health facilities, poor health service delivery, and more, some individuals with little resources are contributing their best to have improve sector in the country.

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